Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Abominable Snowman

Another custom Hammer Film poster, this one was a little different because up until two weeks ago, I had never seen the movie The Abominable Snowman.

I didn't have any intention to do a poster until I got about halfway through the film, and I thought about how much I was enjoying it--its got a slightly different tone and feel than Hammer's other movies (undoubtedly because its writer, producer, and director are different than the ones who did Curse of Frankenstein and Horror of Dracula), and I really got wrapped up in the story of two explorers--kind, humble Peter Cushing and brash, gutsy Forest Tucker(!)--trying to find evidence of an abominable snowman in the Himalayas.

The idea for the poster came fully formed--I didn't want a big, in-your-face shot of the monster; rather, I wanted something more moody and mysterious (which I feel reflects the tone of the movie), keeping the titular "monster" mostly obscured from view.

That idea made it tough to come up with a compelling image for the poster--because without the monster for a monster movie poster, what are you left with?--but I went ahead anyway, trying to convey the harsh, imposing landscape that the film takes place in, with all the sight lines pointing towards a shadowy figure, off in the distance.

Its a lot different than stuff I normally do, and while I don't think it completely came off, I do like it, and it was a lot of fun to work on as I listened to the commentary track for the movie. As of now, The Abominable Snowman is my new favorite Hammer movie of all time!


Michael Jones said...

Your best poster YET!

Wings1295 said...

I like how small and almost 'lost' the Yeti appears.

And I have still yet to see this one, even though I recall you saying before that it was your favorite Hammer film now! Gotta rectify that!