My third attempt in the "Monster PSA" series, this one screamed out at me when I saw a still of Lon Chaney, Jr., in his breakout role as Larry Talbot, aka The Wolf Man, with his hand on a doorknob.
To me he looked like he was checking the door for heat, the way you're supposed to do when you think there's a fire. Voila!
I'm having a lot of fun with these, so I've been trying to come up with more of them in between working on other projects. We'll see how long I can keep 'em going...
To me he looked like he was checking the door for heat, the way you're supposed to do when you think there's a fire. Voila!
I'm having a lot of fun with these, so I've been trying to come up with more of them in between working on other projects. We'll see how long I can keep 'em going...