Thursday, November 6, 2008

Time Out New York: Mystery

Every so often, the subject of this week's Time Out New York "Hot Seat" portrait is a complete...mystery to me (sorry).

This guy's name is Mystery, apparently, and he hosts some sort of romance-themed "reality show" on VH1. Luckily, someone who dresses as ostentatiously as this has a lot of photo reference available, so I was able to get a little more detailed--the hat, the rings, etc.--than I normally would.

I liked the combo of the spooky colors and the heart background, so even though I didn't know who this guy was, I thought it came off pretty well. Sometimes it happens that way!

1 comment:

Sean Tiffany said...

Is it sad that I actually know who that is and have, in fact, watched the show...more than once?