Friday, July 23, 2010

From The Vault: Thurgood Marshall - 2002

If the "vault" I pull older, unseen illustrations from was a real place, it would consist of dusty but still organized shelves. This piece, to continue the metaphor, would've been found in some dark, forgotten corner of that vault.

I was contacted in 2002 by the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts to produce an illustration of the Thurgood Marshall Federal Building, which was celebrating its 10th anniversary. They wanted a sort of commemorative keepsake piece, to be put into a lucite block.

Along the way, they had wanted an actual portrait of the late, legendary Supreme Court justice along with the building, so I produced the portrait you see above. Before I had a chance to finish it though, they changed their minds so the piece never got further than this stage (it needs more detail, and the colors need some definite adjusting).

Usually I keep records of every finished or even mostly finished piece, so I can refer to it later if I need to. But somehow I forgot about this, and it remained buried on a CD back-up of the whole job, sitting in a file cabinet. It wasn't until Marshall was mentioned so much during Elena Kagan's confirmation hearings a few weeks ago that I remembered I even did it!

It was certainly an unusual job, and an unusual client. The Administrative Office was happy with the final result, which you can see here.

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